Joxe Inazio KUESTA GARMENDIA - ESPAÑA "Distributing clothes and money among the Rohingyas" Distributing clothes and money among the Rohingyas | Joxe Inazio KUESTA GARMENDIA - ESPAÑA "Rohingya child carrying some wood to make fire.jpg" Rohingya child carrying some wood to make fire.jpg | Joxe Inazio KUESTA GARMENDIA - ESPAÑA "Rohingya child drinking water from a tap" Rohingya child drinking water from a tap | Joxe Inazio KUESTA GARMENDIA - ESPAÑA "Rohingya children observing the distribution of food in boxes to other children" Rohingya children observing the distribution of food in boxes to other children | Joxe Inazio KUESTA GARMENDIA - ESPAÑA "Rohingya mother and her child under the rain" Rohingya mother and her child under the rain |
Joxe Inazio KUESTA GARMENDIA - ESPAÑA "Rohingya refugee in the medical camp" Rohingya refugee in the medical camp | Joxe Inazio KUESTA GARMENDIA - ESPAÑA "Rohingya refugee showing the impact of a bullet in his friend´s body" Rohingya refugee showing the impact of a bullet in his friend´s body | Joxe Inazio KUESTA GARMENDIA - ESPAÑA "Rohingya refugees queuing to get some items to build their homes" Rohingya refugees queuing to get some items to build their homes | Joxe Inazio KUESTA GARMENDIA - ESPAÑA "Sadness of a rohingya refugee father" Sadness of a rohingya refugee father | Joxe Inazio KUESTA GARMENDIA - ESPAÑA "The problem of drinking water in a rohingya refugee camp" The problem of drinking water in a rohingya refugee camp |