Concours Photos Festival RUGBIMAGES 2016Límite de aportación: 15/2/2016DescripciónBases del ConcursoVer las bases del Concurso, haga click aquíPor favor, léase detenidamente las bases de participación, y a continuación prepare su material adecuadamente.
Le recomendamos que se ajuste a los tamaños especificados en las bases de participación que le ofrece la entidad organizadora. Precio de participación El precio de los derechos de participación se define dependiendo del número de apartados en los que participa.
En la siguiente tabla podrá ver el coste en función al número de apartados en los que presente obras: Apartados | Precio | 1 | 15.00 € | 2 | 15.00 € | | Características técnicas Resolución máxima de las obras a entregar: | 1024 x 1024 píxeles | Peso máximo de las obras: | 800.00 Kbytes | Calendario Intervalo de aportación de obras: | 1/10/2015 - 15/2/2016 | Intervalo de votación: | 16/2/2016 - 29/2/2016 | Apartados El concurso está formado por los siguientes apartados 2015 Rugby World Cup1. All photos have to be on the theme of Rugby, on the field, in the changing rooms, during training or among the crowd in or around the stadium.
For the 1st competition “2015 Rugby World Cup”, the photos must be taken inside or near the stadiums (during the matches or the trainings) or teams’ residences for the duration of the competition or during matches preparation, (i. e. 18th September-31 October 2015). Cantidad de obras 8 Les Yeux du Stadelook on female and male rugby in the world Cantidad de obras 8 PremiosThe Jury attribute the following prizes:
1st competition on the theme of the “2015 Rugby World Cup”
- “Ovalie d’or” for the best single photo: 1000 euros/1200 USD plus a diploma certificate.
- Best professional photo file (4 works): 500 euros/600 USD plus a diploma certificate.
- Jury award for the best single photo – nomination with a medal of the International Federation of Photographic Arts
- Jury award for the best professional photo file - nomination with a medal of the International Federation of Photographic Arts
2nd competition: “Les Yeux du Stade”
- “Ovalie d’or” for the best single photo 1000 euros/1200 USD plus a diploma cerificate
- Best professional or amateur photo file (4 works): 500 euros/600 USD plus a diploma certificate.
- Jury award for the best single photo – nomination with a medal of the International Federation of Photographic Arts
- Jury award for the best professional photo file - nomination with a medal of the International Federation of Photographic Arts
Article 5: Winners’ invitation
The winners will be invited by the organizers for the award ceremony and enjoy a hotel night with breakfast for two people. The winners’ transport will not be supported by the organizers, but there is no obligation to participate in the award ceremony. JuradoThe jury is made up of:
- Marie-Laure de Decker,President– International correspondent,pressphotographer,journalist
- Mark Leech, (GB) – Managing director of Offside Sport Photography, professional sport photographer,
- Jean-Denis Walter, L’Equipe former photo director, gallery owner of sport photos
- Valentina de Gaspari, (Monaco) professional photographer, globe-trotter, rugby fan
- Vincent Inigo, professional rugby player, international Sevens, photographer. Contacto