37th Smethwick International Exhibition of Photography

Limit of contribution:24/11/2011

Competition description


The Exhibition of Prints and Projected Digital Images will be held at the home of

SMETHWICK PHOTOGRAPHIC SOCIETY The Old School House, Churchbridge, Oldbury, West Midlands.

7th to 15th JANUARY 2011 SIX SECTIONS, Three Print & Three PDI, (PSA & FIAP) and a total of 95 AWARDS.1. This exhibition will follow the recommended procedures of PSA for specific recognition and FIAP general regulations. 2. The exhibition is open to all photographers throughout the world. 3. Except when expressly prohibited by the author, the right to reproduce entries in the catalogue will be assumed and normal

copyright rules will be strictly followed. 4. Each participant will receive an individual notification of his results. 5. Each participant who has paid the entry fee and who has respected the conditions of entry will receive a free copy of the

catalogue, whether or not the work has been accepted. 6. The decision of the jury will be final and without appeal. 7. The organisers will take great care of the entered work but decline all responsibility in case of loss, theft or deterioration during

transit or during the exhibition and/or projection. 8. By the virtue of his/her participation the author accepts these regulations.

Prints: (Three Sections) Monochrome - Colour – Nature

Up to four prints, maximum size - 50cm x 40cm, may be entered in each section. Overseas prints are preferred un-mounted. The back of each print must have, in legible writing: Name, address and Country of the author - The title of the work - The same ID number as on the entry form.

Projected Digital Images (Electronic Files) (Three Sections) Open - Open Nature – Travel

Up to four Images may be submitted in each section in JPEG format with preferred Colour Space sRGB. Required image size: Maximum 1400 pixels horizontal and/or 1050 pixels vertical. Image File Name: Your image files must be numbered from 1 to 4 in the entry form order followed by the title. Example: 1.Title of Image.jpg - 2.Title of Image.jpg - 3.Title of Image.jpg - 4.Title of Image.jpg

The title must be as you would wish it to appear in the catalogue therefore no other information, special characters or separators should be included in the file name. Our projection background is black please DO NOT fill empty space or add large borders. Images can be submitted on line at www.spsinternationalexhibition.com or by post on CD.

Each entrant must submit only one CD (There should be the work of only one author on each CD) and images for each section should be in a separate folder marked with the section name. Please print your name on the CD and on its case or sleeve. Please also note that CD’s will not be returned and will be destroyed following the exhibition

Note: CDs and/or electronic files cannot be forwarded to the Southampton Exhibition you must enter these directly with them according to their rules.



1. Le salon est ouvert aux photographes du monde entier. 2. Sauf indication expresse de l’auteur, la reproduction des oeuvres dans le catalogue est comprise. En cette matière, les droits

d’auteur seront strictement respectês. 3. Chaque auteur recevra la notification individuelle de ses résultats. 4. Chaque auteur, ayant payé le droit de participation et ayant respecté les conditions, recevra gratuitement un catalogue, que ses

oeuvres soient acceptées ou non. 5. Les décisions du jury sont sans appel. 6. L’organisateur apportera tous les soins lors de la manipulation des oeuvres photographiques présentées, mais décline toute

responsabilité en cas de perte, vol détérioration , soit pendant le transport, soit pendant l’exposition et/ou la projection. 7. Toutes les oeuvres, exposées ou projetées ou non, seront renvoyées aux participants. 8. Par sa participation, le concurrent reconnaît accepter les conditions du règlement

Photos - Monochrome et Couleur. Libre et Nature.

Quatre photos max. 50cm x 40cm peuvent être soumises dans chaque discipline. Les photos d’outremer seront préferées non montées. Chaque photo devrait porter en caractères d’imprimerie, les indications suivantes: Nom, adresse et pays de l‟auteur . Titre de l‟oeuvre dans une des langues de la FIAP Numéro d‟ordre suivant le bulletin d‟inscription

Electronic Images – Libre, Nature, Voyage. ALL SECTIONS.

Entries must originate as photographs (image-captures of objects via light sensitivity) made by the entrant on photographic emulsion or acquired digitally. By virtue of submitting an entry, the entrant certifies the work as his own and permits the sponsors to reproduce all or part of the entered material free of charge for publication and / or display in media related to the exhibition. This may include low resolution posting on a website. The exhibition assumes no liability for any misuse of copyright.

Images may be altered, either electronically or otherwise, by the maker and artwork or computer graphics created by the entrant may be incorporated if the photographic content predominates. (Subject to divisional restrictions).Nature (PSA & FIAP Definitions)


Restricted to the use of the photographic process, to depict observations from all branches of natural history, except anthropology and archaeology, in such a fashion that a well informed person will be able to identify the subject material and to certify as to its honest presentation. The story telling value of a photograph must be weighed more than the pictorial quality. Human elements should not be present, except on the rare occasion where those human elements enhance the nature story. The presence of scientific bands on wild animals is acceptable. Photographs of artificially produced hybrid plants or animals, mounted specimens, or obviously set arrangements, are ineligible, as is any form of manipulation that alters the truth of the photographic statement.

Authentic Wildlife is defined as one or more organisms living free and unrestrained in a natural or adopted habitat. Therefore, photographs of zoo or game farm animals are not eligible for the PSA Silver Wildlife Medal. All Wildlife entries to be marked with a (W)


Nature photography depicts living, untamed animals and uncultivated plants in a natural habitat, geology and the wide diversity of natural phenomena, from insects to icebergs. Photographs of animals which are domesticated, caged or under any form of restraint, as well as photographs of cultivated plants are ineligible. Minimal evidence of humans is acceptable for nature subjects, such as barn owls or storks adapting to an environment modified by humans, or natural forces, like hurricanes or tidal waves, reclaiming it. The photographer, whatever photographic medium is used, must have taken the original image. Any manipulation or modification to the original image is limited to minor retouching of blemishes and must not alter the content of the original scene. After satisfying the above requirements, every effort should be made to use the highest level of artistic skill in all nature photographs.

Photo-travel (PSA Definition) Images must express the feeling of a time and place, portray a land, its people, or a culture in its natural state, and has no

geographical limitations. Ultra close-ups which lose their identity, studio-type model shots, or photographic manipulations which misrepresent the true situation or alter the content of the image are unacceptable in Photo Travel competition.

New PSA rule for Nature and Travel Images. No elements may be moved, cloned, added, deleted, rearranged or combined. No modification is permitted except resizing, cropping, selective lightening or darkening and restoration of original colour of the scene. Any sharpening must appear natural.

Black & White (Monochrome) (FIAP Definition)

A black and white image is one with tones from very dark grey (black) to very clear grey (white) A black and white image toned entirely in a single colour will be able to stand in the black & white category and can be reproduced in black & white in the catalogue. On the other hand a black and white image modified by partial toning or by the addition of one colour to a part of the image becomes a colour image and should be entered in the colour category. This type of image will be reproduced in the colour pages of the catalogue.


The preferred method of payment is by PayPal using a credit or debit card or a PayPal account. Payment in banknotes is preferred for entries not submitted online otherwise Cheques/Orders should be made payable to: Smethwick Photographic Society. International cheques in currency other than sterling must include an additional $3 (€3) to cover bank charges. Prints will be returned “Surface Mail” ONLY where return postage has been received.

All correspondence and enquiries should be addressed to:

ROGER PARRY, ARPS AFIAP Hon PAGB. Exhibition Chairman 25 Wentworth Park Avenue, Harborne, Birmingham, B17 9QU, England

e-mail: info@spsinternationalexhibition.com


You can save return postage by having your entry forwarded by us to Southampton‟s Exhibition.

You must send a Southampton entry form and entry fee and return postage if required direct to the Southampton Exhibition. Do not include Southampton forms and fee in your Smethwick Entry


Closing Date

24th November 2011


2nd to 4th Dec ember 2011

Report Cards e-mailed or Mailed

9th December 2011

Entries / Awards Mailed

12th February 2012

Catalogues Mailed

12th February 2012




Simon Allen MPAGB, EFIAP

Martin Withers FRPS

Tom Dodd FRPS

John Chamberlin, FRPS, EFIAP

Peter Gennard MFIAP,EFIAP/p

Tony Wharton FRPS, AFIAP

Graham Reeves FRPS,EFIAP

Dave Yates

Graham Hodgkiss ARPS,MPAGB,AFIAP

Gordon Follows ARPS,MPAGB,EFIAP/b

Geoff Stone FRPS

Competition Terms & Conditions

Not available

Please, carefully read the participation Terms & Conditions and prepare the material you need.
It is advisable that you respect the size that the organizer offers. Size specified in participation Terms & Conditions

Website of the contest

Here you can see the web of the organisation +info


Works contribution interval: 5/7/2011 - 24/11/2011
Voting interval: 25/11/2011 - 26/11/2011

Competition sections

The competition consists of the following sections

Apartado 1

Descripción del apartado

Amount of works 2


There are no prizes created


There is not additional info


Concursos Digitales
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