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Concursos Digitales


Introduce your email and you will receive an email from info@concursosdigitales.com with the pertinent indications.


Please, check that the email is not in the spam folder, and if you do not receive it, please, contact with our support service in www.concursosdigitales.com , or send an email to semper@concursosdigitales.com to help you.

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Data protection policy

We are adapting to GDPR General Data Protection Law, and therefore, we need you to review these conditions and accept them before using this platform.
ConcursosDigitales , hereinafter CD, is a platform that offers technological tools to the organizers of photography contests. For this reason, when you participate in a photography contest that is organized by CD, the data is stored on CD's servers, which are located in the USA. As we want to continue to be transparent with you, and for you to be aware of this transparency, we want you to review the conditions of use of the platform so that you are aware of the details and know what we do with your data.
CD will save the data that you enter in the profile.
The data you have provided us will be used to:
  • - Notify you of the results of the contest,
  • - Appear on the list of winners and finalists if applicable,
  • - If you have to receive a prize, these will be the contact details that the organizer will use,
  • - We will send you notices by email about the contests that are being organized so that you can decide whether to participate.
The images you upload will be used to:
  • - The voting that the jury will carry out
  • - Send you the results
  • - If they are selected or awarded, they will be placed in the results gallery.
  • - Finally they will be sent to the organizer to use them according to their criteria that must be exposed in the bases.
When you participate in a contest managed through this platform, but under the organization of the corresponding entity, you must bear in mind that:
  • - Participating in the contest implies giving express consent for the personal data provided (and this includes email addresses) to be stored, processed and used for purposes related to this contest by the organizing entity.
  • - You are also giving consent for this information to be sent to organizations that have an official recognition, sponsorship or accreditation agreement with the contest (for example PSA, FIAP, etc.).
  • - The entrant knows and agrees that participating in this contest means that the status and results of any entrant can and probably will be made public.
Having said all this, when we send you an email you can indicate that:
  • - You do not want to receive more information from that organizer,
  • - Or any other contest.
You can also request the deletion of your data by contacting info@concursosdigitales.com, but keep in mind that any accreditation of prizes that you have been able to obtain in all the contests where ConcursosDigitales has been used as the organizer's platform will disappear.
Updated 1/18/2023
The Digital Competitions team.
I agree, I accept the conditions

Your account exists and is available for use.

You have already participated in a competition powered by the platform www.ConcursosDigitales.com

Please, log in throught the tab  `Existent users`. If you do not remember your password, press `Remember` and the system will send you an email with your new password.